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All stories / Action / Phantom Quiet Storm (R-17+up-Adults only)

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Phantom Quiet Storm (R-17+up-Adults only)

by BranzMediaComics


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contains Graphic Adult erotic humanoid sexual content
intense violence and strong language.
Based on the Popular Video game Multimedia franchise from Takeshi video games. revolves a futuristic era of modern day earth where it's populated by human beings and humanoid creatures but crime and murderous riots run a mock and cause hell on the peaceful innocent. an 11 year masked inspector guardian crusader Phantom quiet storm and a seductive lustful androgynous half female bat karolina shadebat came to correct and bring justice against dwellers and criminals of evil commitments & villains with corrupted power to silence it in the name of justice and peace.
© byTakeshi Video games usa.
© by Takeshi Video games media Ltd

© by Kirasupa Sukira